Improve your heavy-duty repair workshop with BalticDiag diagnostic tools

Have you experienced such issues with the heavy vehicle, which was not solved without a diagnostic tool? If not, you most possibly will face this wall of capability as vehicle management modules gets faulty more often and without a diagnostics, you will not be able to proceed with the service.
As an example, we can take a small or medium heavy-duty workshop – service center.
If you have some kind of a code reader or fault scanner, which gives you some fault code, which gives you an idea, what is wrong with the truck. Would you like to improve your business with a solution, which will pay back the costs? We are here for you. Would you like to know how?
Dealer-level diagnostic tools
Depending on the diagnostics kit, on most of our heavy duty diagnostics, we can offer not only diagnostic software, but also developer tools which gives you dealer-level features and functions, parts catalogs, wiring diagrams and so on.
So you can run diagnostics – find the faults. Then run other software, to see the manuals, wiring schematics, which will help you fix the problem. Maybe you will be working with the truck for the first time, so parts catalogs, give you module diagrams, on how to disassemble and assemble the faulty part. It will help you order the needed parts and will save you a lot of time!
More than corner garage
What does this mean? Faster repair, means you will be able to finish quicker and take the next job. More finished jobs = more income. And this is not all!
You will be able to use the best possible equipment, which will give you trust from your customer and trust in yourself!
Developer tools will help you adjust parameters, to adaptations and calibrations. Most of the companies charge extra for these functions, therefore you can do a minor calibration and make a profit, within a couple of minutes.
So everyone needs a reliable business partner, who can offer the tools you will need and we are here for you! We can provide heavy-duty diagnostic tools, which will be not only a diagnostic scanner, but also provide a solution on a daily basis.
Diagnostic Laptop, paired with the vehicle communication interface and software is probably the one and most important investment to your business, which will start generating income straight away and your workshop will be improved with dealer – level operations, which will make you more advanced than corner garage